Voice Stress Analysis (VSA), Forensic Voice Stress Analysis (FVSA), Bio-Feedback Polygraph (BFP) and other voice-based software are not products that we support or provide due to the fact that independent studies have yielded that voice stress analysis is “almost as accurate as flipping a coin” and the outcomes of such processes cannot be professionally defended.

Many Voice Stress Service Providers falsely identify themselves as polygraph examiners or use the term "voice polygraph" to market their services. Polygraph testing should not be confused with Voice Stress Analysis of any nature. An analysis of voice stress is not a polygraph and the term “Voice Polygraph” is not used.

It is understood that polygraph examiners (not voice stress analysis) are expert witnesses at jurisdictional institutions such as the CCMA. Currently the jurisdictional institutions such as the CCMA has not approved Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) or any Voice stress related products and as such people or companies providing these services cannot testify as expert witnesses at jurisdictional bodies such as the CCMA and that is one of the main reasons why we do not supply those services. We supply true polygraph services as accepted by the jurisdictional institutions such as the CCMA.

The National Institute of Corrections has published a research study on voice stress analysis (VSA) conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services with support from the National Institute of Justice. From the abstract (emphasis added):…The goal of this study was to test the validity and reliability of two popular VSA programs (LVA [Layered Voice Analysis] and CVSA [Computer Voice Stress Analyzer]) in a “real world” setting. Questions about recent drug use were asked of a random sample of arrestees in a county jail. Their responses and the VSA output were compared to a subsequent urinalysis to determine if the VSA programs could detect deception. Both VSA programs showed poor validity – neither program efficiently determined who was being deceptive about recent drug use. The programs were not able to detect deception at a rate any better than chance…. (see below table)


Furthermore, the link below can be followed to view the Expose on Charles Humble and his phony PHD on ABC News Primetime, for further insight into voice stress analyzing: – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr3E_2KTxI0 It is evident from the above that the voice stress analyzer and related products has not successfully been tested by an independent study and therefor clients should be careful if considering making use of a voice stress analyzer or related product. Our professional opinion is to make use of a polygraph which has successfully passed independent studies and which is internationally recognized and recognized by Jurisdictional institutions in South Africa such as the CCMA.

**The above is the opinion of the author and information supplied was current during the date of publication.